Thursday, April 25, 2013

u aint no good, i aint no sweet!!!

love is such a complex matter...we (myself, personally) always ask ourself...what do we expect from love is some sort of person...but seriusly, what do we expect???sweetness???romanticness??just holding hand??have a sweet kiss on ur cheek or just to fill ur day wif that what is love for u???NOOOOO!!!! LOVE is too pure to be ask for..its come naturally...the condition is only one and one only!!LOVE ALLAH, LOVE UR FAMILY AND LOVE URSELF!!!sooo..when it happen, u wont ask for anything coz it complete everything!!

p/s: dis post is in my draft, wrote a years ago..

GOOGLE addiction!!

ffuuuhhhh kiri!!ffuuhhh kanan!!ok neves!!!perrgghhh..sumpah lame gile x tulis blog..(macam la kau byk entry sgt b4 dis kan!!) mesti korg pelik kenapa tetibe sibuk menyibuk nk tulis balik kan..Ianya bermula dikala diri ini terlampau bosan lalu meng-GOOGLE-ianyepunnn name sendiri..sekali terjumpa blog ku yg usang ini...

googling is shoooo my fav things to do!!semua benda kau nak sendiri pun nak google ke??ape kau dh xpercaya dengan name sendiri ke???atau kau nak test sejauh mane ke-FAMOUS-an kau???ecececehh...xpayah pura2 innocent ok!!(ok statement aku cm konfius ckp ngan korg atau diri sendiri..hahah)

Bila bace balik entry b4 dis...aku rase cm aku yg sekrang nie cm dh lain makin membosankan!!!cheer up aina!!tu semua faktor penuaan!!

okay entry nie xde arah tuju dan sangat mengarut dan tersangatlah POYO!!okbye!!!

undilah saya!!! hashtagPRU13...:p

Thursday, January 13, 2011


xpenat plak men frisbee mlm nie!!!
F.Y.I. aku sorg je gurl yg men OK!!!
even team lwn pun semua LELAKI...
a'ah...aku mmg TEROR sgt la men kan...
setakat the only gurl PEDEHAL!!!
sbb tu la team aku KALAH!!!
hahaha....tapi kita kena tgk dari POSITIVE side
(even nie 1st time aku jatuh terbaring.....'tak' SAKIT pun...)
POSITIVE habis!!!! tapi part yg paling stupid bila one of my team mate tny..(after aku fail tangkap disc for score..)

dia: kenapa xdapat tangkap tadi??xsempat?? (dgn nada aku la..tapi he just asking...)
aku: (dengan neves nye..) aah...xsempat....
dia: ke TAK LARI???
aku: tak LAJU...(dengan malunya...perghhhhh...ok aku lari LEMBAB!!!!hahaha) positive side yg aku nk tgk???hmmmm....semua nye cm negative jer...hah!!!aku bawak air tok diorg!!!(walaupun satu botol BESAR kongsi 5 org...) ok la kan...hahaha...nak sedapkan hati diri sendiri...

oleh yg demikian...wahai team mate aku sekalian...aku akan lajukn lagi LARIAN ku ini...n mantapkan pe yg X a.k.a semua...

Monday, January 10, 2011

perempuan jahat

its ok if warn people aku nie KASAR ke....MENYAKITKAN HATI ke...SELFISH ke...coz aku sdr aku that kind of person....sbb aku xske jadi aku ske berterus terang...which is menyakitkan hati n kasar...n aku xsuka tunggu org lama2 so aku akan blah its make me look selfish...tapi seriusly aku xleh terima bila KAU jaja crita kat org yg TAK KENAL aku...yg aku nie PEREMPUAN JAHAT!!!WTF(tgk kau dah wat aku jadi betul2 jahat..) please la...its not like aku nie ade SUGAR DADY, or PEREMPUAN MURAHAN or DRUG ADDICTS ker!!!sumpah kau nie cam dak2 x matang jer aku rase...and the worse part is 1st time aku dgr that story aku TAK rase MARAH pun...cuma aku rase sedih....knp la kau wat cmtu kat aku...aku xkacau kau pun wei...tapi bila dah tgk muka kau!!!!AKU PANAS GILE DOWH!!!! kau sepatutnya tau darjah KEPANASAN aku berapa since kau tau SANGAT aku nie perempuan u better watch ur mouth coz u might CRY when u see me CRYING!!! aku pun manusia...ade perasaan...ade hati dalam taman ok!!!that part aku tau kau xtau....xramai yg tau...dan aku xharap pun kau tau...

to all my besties...thanks 4 being my friend...sory kalau aku betul2 jahat...but deep down in my heart aku syg korang...tapi mybe aku xpandai tunjuk...u alls are the best friend i ever had!!!

n for those yg xknl aku...n still nk ckp aku PEREMPUAN JAHAT...aku xkisah....its enough for me to have such a good friends yg really know who i am!!!THATS ALL I NEED...


bosan jer aku tgk writing post aku...PLAIN je colour...aku nk gak ade warna2 cm org len nye BLOG....dah la aku punya tahap kemalasan update blog nie mengalahkan kemalasan aku baca buku...wahhh..kantoi plak aku nie pemalas...whatever!!! please la bertukar...aku pun kadang2 cm xde feel je nk BACA blog sndri...(maybe sbb aku dh tau pe yg aku tulis kot...) nak sedap kan HATI MR. or MISS KNOW HOW TO DO IT...tolong bantu si BUTA BLOG NIE!!!

damn!!!aku rasa cam org yg berkurun bertapa kat batu caves je..kuar2 nk tulis blog!!!tapi xtau nk wat colour2!!!!!what a SHAME!!!

p/s to ayah: ayah jom pindah!!!!(dalam hati: xmo2!!!)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

NoName Shweeetttt!!!

kePOYOan ku semakin yg ke-3 untuk malam nie...inilah akibatnya bila aku nek SHEIKH....hahaha...(kepada sheikh2 diluar sana....jgn terasa...nie xde kena mengena ngan korg..)..tapi cmfrim lepas nie blog aku nie koma 3bulan...hahahah...ok...aku just nk share something SHWEEEEETTTT pasal kucing kesayangan aku (yang cam xsayang kat aku jer sebelum nie..until tadi...huhuhu)...something yg paling speacial tentang kucing nie adalah nama dia...'NONAME'...penah x korang dengar name binatang NONAME???xkn...hah....tu yg terbaik pasal kucing aku...wah...mukadimah je dah panjang...ok2...

Alkisahnya..tadi aku kemas2 la segala barang2 yg aku nk bawak balik s.alam esok (esok pe nyer....tgh hari nanti..) so lepas dah lipat2 semua baju2 yg aku nk bawak...tibalah masenya tuk memasukkanye kedalam beg...bila aku pusing je badan nk letak baju dalam beg...BAAEEEEEKKKKK punya siNONAME nie tido dalam beg tu...wahhhhh!!!! 'tak bagi akak balik ke noname???hahahaha!!!!'
korg tengok bertapa nyenyaknye dia tido...


in this LIFE..not everything that we plan will happen..and not everything that we DREAM will be ours..but everything is depend on might be direct or indirect..but it doesn't really matter...what matter is what u have learn along the JOURNEY...the journey make u think...make u know more about ur self..about OTHERS...thats why we were always being encourage to dream...dream BIG...because if u doesn't get what u have dream of...u still get the PRECIOUS EXPERIENCE..the journey...and if u get what u have dream of..its not because u LUCKY....but it is because u DESERVE it...because LIFE is about DREAM..taking CHANCE and do ur BEST...and LEARN from MISTAKE...sometimes mistake is GOOD!!!

p/s: sory for the grammar and spelling mistake...i just taking my chance to improve my english..tq (^_^)