Sunday, December 26, 2010


in this LIFE..not everything that we plan will happen..and not everything that we DREAM will be ours..but everything is depend on might be direct or indirect..but it doesn't really matter...what matter is what u have learn along the JOURNEY...the journey make u think...make u know more about ur self..about OTHERS...thats why we were always being encourage to dream...dream BIG...because if u doesn't get what u have dream of...u still get the PRECIOUS EXPERIENCE..the journey...and if u get what u have dream of..its not because u LUCKY....but it is because u DESERVE it...because LIFE is about DREAM..taking CHANCE and do ur BEST...and LEARN from MISTAKE...sometimes mistake is GOOD!!!

p/s: sory for the grammar and spelling mistake...i just taking my chance to improve my english..tq (^_^)

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